2 broken girls, also known as "working sisters" in Chinese, is a sitcom that premiered on CBS on September 19, 2011. The show was created by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cumming from Warner Bros. TV.

Set in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York City, the play tells the story of two urban girls with completely different identities and backgrounds. Max (Kate dalens) was born into a poor family, while Caroline (Beth Beale) was born into a rich family. Caroline's family was so poor that she had to go to the hotel where Max worked to earn money. They discussed raising $250000 to start a new business together.

Although the dialogue in the play is colloquial and the plot is simple, the occasionally flashed dialogues of Zhenxiang are worth seeing for each of us.

In the seventh episode of the third season of "the bankrupt sisters", Caroline asked Asian strippers whether life forced them to choose a career. The strippers said that choosing this business was like having sex and having enough money to pay for high-end housing loans. The stripper's words and Caroline's reaction are very real. I don't know if it's the same mentality of a good family in China when they denounce prostitutes.

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